
Mystic Jazz Piano

Reducing anxiety. Relieving depression.

- A Soothing Escape: 

The serene ambiance created by these original compositions of instrumental piano music alleviate stress, providing a haven of calm, and fostering a steady state of relaxation.

- An Emotional Resonance: 

The music touches chords of emotion, offering solace, evoking contemplation, and creating a heartwarming experience.

- An Acoustic Elixir: 

Absent are the distractions of synthesizers or electronic sounds, replaced by the authentic, heartfelt expression of a solo piano telling tales of hope, serenity, and the simple beauty of this moment.

A Journey Beyond Notes: 

The Resonance of Mystic Jazz Piano

Embark on a richly woven narrative of resilience and timeless artistry with a musician whose life encapsulates the essence of the American Dream. Stemming from humble beginnings that trace back to a grandfather who emigrated from Ireland in the late 1800s, to a father who established his own law firm post WWII, the legacy of perseverance and creativity flows through the veins of our remarkable pianist.

With four decades of enthralling audiences globally, the sudden stillness of the world in March 2020 led to a pause in performances but birthed a series of original piano instrumentals that now stand as a testament to the infinite spirit of creativity. These compositions are not merely melodies but a lifeline that navigated a 4+ year hiatus from gigging, embodying the healing resilience and the enduring allure of music.

Now serving the community as a janitor at his local elementary school, the pianist's hands that once swept across grand pianos on international stages, tenderly maintain the hallways, embodying humility and a profound connection to the rhythm of life.

Presenting a rare opportunity for your venue to host an intimate evening of soul-quenching piano music that transcends the ordinary, delving into a realm where mystic jazz harmonies blend seamlessly with ambient and New Age essences.  

This is more than a concert; it is a musical experience which offers you the opportunity to … 

– heartfelt narrative 

– a soothing balm to the weary soul 

– alleviating anxiety 

– lifting the veil of depression

– unburdening the stresses that weigh heavily upon the modern mind.

Your patrons are not just attendees, but essential characters in this unfolding narrative, a communal journey of healing and reflection. 

With a commitment to accept limited engagements, this is a unique chance to offer your subscriber base and members an experience steeped in authenticity, resilience, and sublime musicality.

As our virtuoso continues to compose, record, and explore the musical horizons, let your venue be the haven where the soothing whispers of the piano narrate tales of hope, endurance, and the enchanting beauty of existence.

Take a step towards orchestrating an evening that reverberates with the tender yet powerful resonance of life’s journey encapsulated in music. 

Contact details are below. Let's further the discussion on this soul-enriching venture. 

It's time to unveil an experience that resonates beyond the last note, lingering in the hearts of your audience, echoing the profound yet simple essence of being.


Have me come play at your place

Original Piano Music

May - June 2020

Dan C Gillogly

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May - June 2020

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Mystic Jazz. Soul-quenching Piano Music.

Here is a series of recordings written and recorded during the lockdown in May and June of 2020. I have decided to combine May with the June compositions so that we have a full 10 song release. I left about 5 songs on the cutting room floor. There are also another two that don’t fit in this mystic and jazzy

Mystic Jazz. Soul-quenching Piano Music.

Here is a series of recordings written and recorded during the lockdown in May and June of 2020. I have decided to combine May with the June compositions so that we have a full 10 song release. I left about 5 songs on the cutting room floor. There are also another two that don’t fit in this mystic and jazzy piano vibe.

I think as you listen to the previous 2 releases already available, you can hear the slow progression of my transition from being a Full-Time piano entertainer in March of 2020 to my return as a studio musician and album producer.

This time alone in the studio has been a mixture of emotions. Pleasurable to be in the studio so much. While dearly missing the stage. For sure.

As you let these snapshots in time develop in your ears, you can hear and feel how much I miss the energetic interaction with other musicians, creators, and, most especially, you. The audience.

As we get back to work in live venues (June 2021) I welcome the opportunity to collaborate with other writers and studio personnel. Even more, I thirst for the pulse of a live venue.

Until we meet in person, in the not too distant future, enjoy these recordings -- from my home to yours.

Dan C Gillogly June 24, 2021 Elk Grove Village, IL

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    One Old House

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    Cold Breath on the Back of My Neck

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    The Black Crow Knows

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    Crushed Pineapples

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    Abject Funabilitiness

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    Yawning Horizon

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    Resignation of The Heart

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    Take Whatchya Grab

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    Some Situation

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    If We Cant Change Things Now Then When

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April 2020

Dan C Gillogly

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April 2020

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Welcome! All of the songs were written and conceived during April of 2020. I was sheltering in place in our apartment in Chicago IL. The middle of America. Our whole state was in lockdown except for essential services.

April is usually a time of hope in Chicago. It can still be cold, gray, and winter-like. 2020 was VERY cold, wet, and winter-like.

Welcome! All of the songs were written and conceived during April of 2020. I was sheltering in place in our apartment in Chicago IL. The middle of America. Our whole state was in lockdown except for essential services.

April is usually a time of hope in Chicago. It can still be cold, gray, and winter-like. 2020 was VERY cold, wet, and winter-like. So while we were all still getting used to the lockdown idea, the bad weather kept people from going out to the parks or restaurants on the first warm sunny day. We didn’t have many. But when we did, we couldn’t go anywhere.

All the museums were closed. There were no live music venues open. Restaurants were all closed except for carry out. Many of them had yet to figure out curbside service. It was all still new and uncertain.

All the bars were closed. I’m sure there were some that were open if you knew a guy. Cuz Chicago is all about ‘if you know a guy’.

We didn’t know how long this was going to last. The authorities and people in charge were trying to be nice about the restrictions. I think we knew they were going to last until the end of April at least. But they went well into June

So I was still hoping at this time I might be able to get back to performing my wide variety of gigs on stage. But all the corporate gigs; the fundraisers and conventions were all on hold. Waiting to see what would happen.

As we plodded through this, we realized lockdown was going well beyond April 30. The word was slowly leaked via teachers’ unions, restaurant associations, and major sporting events, that we were going to stay closed for much, much longer.

In this atmosphere, I initially wrote and recorded these compositions and grooves.

I have since re-recorded and mastered everything for this album. These songs were mastered in November/December 2020 in the home studio. We have moved to the Chicago suburbs by this time.

As of this writing, we are still in lockdown -- again, as is most of the world. A vaccine is available. But the rollout is going slowly. None of the musicians and performers I know have any idea when we will get back to gigging in our area. There are 3 warm-weather states I could go to get gigs. But I would rather stay here, stay safe, and keep recording.

It feels strange, to say the least. Music is a deeply social art form. Even recording. I am producing these albums (I have material from each month of 2020 in production) by myself.

There is the help of my Goddess of a wife, Amber, who listens and smiles, and offers all kinds of support. She is most definitely an anchor for me. She stays centered with new workouts she finds on YouTube. We are eating healthy meals and she is amazing in the kitchen creating magnificent meals that deluge the senses with exotic spices and blends of ingredients for relaxing nourishment.

Our oldest son, Keaton, who has had his own set of loss and change. He was working FT as a professional sports broadcaster. His entire minor league baseball season was canceled. He made the most of the downtime. Staying connected to his network of players, coaches, and fellow broadcasters. Producing digital shows and interviews. He also got out to the national parks for some intense backpacking trips. Keaton has been unerring in his direction on these album projects. His real-world knowledge of social media dangles on the edge of stylish relevance. He has become the stern parent in his tone of Shut TFU Dad and Chill TFO. This last one has become my new mantra this year. He reminds me to just crank this out. “You’re talented and you’ll make some money again soon.” He also reminded me, more than once, “You got this time to do this. So go in there and hit record and don’t leave until you’re exhausted.” Thank you

Murphy is our 2nd son. He is also a new Dad. He and his lovely wife, Chelsea, are expecting their 2nd child while working from home for the most part. So, we’ve been able to help out with the grandson by watching him several days a month. Papa Murph has been moving along with me every step of the way. Encouraging. Leading. Offering a much-needed perspective on everything from song order to honest critiques. Reminding me when I can do a better version and when to stop and leave it be cuz it’s good enough for now. All of his suggestions are about 20% correct. WhenI think about them for 3 days, they become 95% correct. Album covers are discussed. Release orders are discussed. He listens to them 8, 10 even 12 times before offering his notes which are detailed and gentle. Many thanks.

I have to give an honorable mention to my friend Joe Cosas of Tampa FL for musical agility. Your feedback on some piano technique I was struggling with smoothed over a rough edge.

Also, my friend and fellow musician Cymber Lily Quinn of Denver listened to the demos while doing housework and “forgot I was listening to a friend. I thought I was listening to George Winston or Jim Brickman.” Thank you.

To all my friends and fans who are also sheltering in place all around the globe. Your comments of love and encouragement to continue -- I miss you all more than words can describe. Consider this an attempt at a worthy substitute until we meet again in a venue of our choosing. Stay well. Be positive. Especially if you tested positive. Together we are stronger

Album artwork by T.J. Cory

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    Showin' Up Showin' Out

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    Riverside Floatin My Troubles Away

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    Sunbeams Know Our Secrets

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    Chester The Investigator

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    Cold Spring

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    Puddles In The Park

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March 2020

Dan C Gillogly

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March 2020

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Written, recorded, and mastered from my home studio. Piano instrumentals written between March 16 and March 31, 2020. A time we will never forget.

Album artwork by TJ Cory

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    Ain't Yet Now

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    An Assemblance of Sundays

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    So Lightly Blue

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    Tightly Wrapped In Flowing Paper

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    Yet Now Ain't

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    Now Ain't Yet (March 2020)

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Chicago Blues and Jazz Instrumentals

Live at Leona's Vol 1

Pianoman Dan Gillogly

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Live at Leona's Vol 1

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Recorded live on the piano. No overdubs. No MIDI. Pure Chicago blues and jazz piano instrumentals. This will give you great music for dinner, date or in between.

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    Can't Leave Me

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    Flickety Goo

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    Rockin' In The City

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    Starlight (Keaton's Waltz)

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    Transient House

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    Vix Blues

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Blues and Jazz Duos

Expectin' My Acceptance

Dan C Gillogly

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Expectin' My Acceptance

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This was a series of original songs recorded with some friends of mine. Mars Williams, Steve Hashimoto and Gina Knight. Some blues and jazz on a great piano in a first rate studio with some world class cats. I threw in a couple of ballads to keep it interesting. Be sure to give it a spin. I know you'll like it -- a lot.

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    Expectin' My Acceptance

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    Losin' You

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    Sally n Billy

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    Living Life Today

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    Tell Me Tell Me

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    Won't You Please Come Home

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    You Can't Leave Me (But You Leave Me Alone)

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Various Singles

Dan C Gillogly

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Various Singles

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These are tracks that I want to release now before there's a full album. Also, cuts will be here that didn't make the cut on previous releases

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    Arlo Antonius

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    Maybe Someday Soon

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    Now Ain't Yet (March 2020)

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    Roust About

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    (Tell Me) Where and When

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    Snappin' Steel

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    Wait. Stop. Cmon. (April 2020)

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    Lifting Light Home (March 2020)

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    Smooth Transition

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    Bliss Filled Resolve

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    Pink Wind Dancer

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Meditation Music

Meditation Music for People Who Don't Like Meditation Music

Dan C Gillogly

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Meditation Music for People Who Don't Like Meditation Music

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    Rain Brings Sleep

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    Long and Luscious

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    Green Gracious Rain

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    Shadows of The Ocean

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    Soothing Waterfalls Resolve

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    Relaxing Ocean Piano

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    Shadows of The Ocean (1 Hour)

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    Stormy Sunset Serenity

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